Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pressure’s on Hillary Clinton to Win and Win Big in Pennsylvania

Pressure’s on Hillary Clinton
To Win and Win Big
In Pennsylvania

* The Pennsylvania Primary *
, April 22, 2008

ABCNews.com has this story out today and it begins like this... After six weeks of political backbiting, Pennsylvania voters have their say today in a primary vote that isn't expected to clarify what has become a dragged-out Democratic nomination battle between Sens. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y. With Clinton leading in polls in the state, her expected win could fuel questions about why Obama hasn't been able to sew up the nomination, despite having more money, having won more states and a lead in the popular vote and pledged delegates, according to ABC News' delegate scorecard... However, Democrats say, a small victory by Clinton today won't be enough to turn momentum in her favor. Any win by her, they say, must be by a large margin of victory...
Read the rest at link below...
Pressure on Clinton to Win Big in Pa.

CBNNews.com has this report... Voters across Pennsylvania are showing up at the polls... With the prolonged primary battle between Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton so close, the Keystone state may play an unusually pivotal role in determining the nominee...
Read this report in full at link below...
Dems Face Off in PA Primary
* Has News Video

UPDATE: 9:00 pm CDT
All people in the know of the MSM are saying Hillary Clinton has won the Pennsylvania Primary and to me it’s looking like by a larger than expected margin too.

Congratulations go out to Hillary Clinton for having such a grand win today. Good luck to you too, I will add... with the battles you and Obama have left to fight over during the next few months.

You tha MAN RUSH!!!

A last thought...
Most Morning Newspaper Headlines should read...
'Obama Can’t Close The Deal'

Photo credits: Hillary Senate Biography photo - Barack photo from his campaign website

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