Thursday, March 06, 2008

How about Former Secretary of State Colin Powell as Senator John McCain’s VP?

For whatever reason this early Thursday morning, I started thinking Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would make a great VP choice for Senator John McCain. She would too!!!

Then I started to think about all the crap the left would put out on her and then I thought... Well... maybe not.

This is when the ultimate candidate for Senator John McCain’s VP came to mind...
Former Secretary of State, Colin Powell!!!

Yes... I know... The left will throw out all the crap they can on him too... But there’s one thing different about Mr. Powell... He’s been out of the main loop of things for over 3 years and he left the Bush Administration long before all that hell went and broke loose in Iraq.

What does Colin Powell bring to the VP office you ask?

Well... 1’st of all he is considered to be a moderate conservative whose last job was U.S. Secretary of State. In the past he has also been a National Security Advisor, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and like Senator John McCain... he was/is a true war hero.

With no more thought on the subject... I would have to say a McCain/Powell Ticket would be almost impossible for the Dems to beat this election year... Wouldn’t you!!!?

, March 06, 2008

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